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Posts posted by Awlhy

  1. Thanks Micheal,


    I've tried what you suggested but onComplete doesn't seem to be called - possibly due to the repeats.


    I've also tried animating the full width of the picture instead {backgroundPosition:"1024px 0"} but it still "jumps" at the end of the animation even with repeatDelay:0 and no easing.


    Ideally if there's an option to set "infinite time" then the animation would work exactly how it's supposed to. Perhaps I'm missing something ?

  2. Hi everyone, I'm new to GSAP and am trying to duplicate a jQuery animation using Greensock.


    One of the effects is a constant scrolling background similar to http://www.kudoswebsolutions.com/blog/jquery_scrolling_background/demos.html


    Using tweenMax I've come up with

    TweenMax.to($("#bg"),1,{css:{backgroundPosition:"+=1px 0"},repeat:-1});


    However the background position resets every time the animation repeats. How can I continue the animation indefinitely without setting the time to something like 99999?

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