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Posts posted by ssaruh

  1. Hi! I'm trying to achieve an effect similar to https://gallery.delivery/ or https://shadow-brand.com/, where there is horizontal scrolling but the sections stick to the left side of the page so that the next section overlaps it.



    Here is my pen:


    I've achieved the horizontal scrolling effect looking at other threads here, but not sure how to approach the stickiness aspect-- I've tried applying a class that would fix the position of the panels but that removes them from the flow and causes things to jump around. Are you able to horizontally pin each element as it reaches the left side of the screen? Haven't seen any examples of this. Not expecting anyone to solve the whole thing for me but if anyone could point me in the right direction or could suggest a method of doing this it would be super helpful!





    See the Pen dyjeLYG by ssaruuuu (@ssaruuuu) on CodePen

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