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Posts posted by Sephius

  1. After a TweenMax update. Pause stop do accept arguments, in this case, the "atTime". Some thing strange is when i see the function, there is 2 optional arguments: "atTime", "suppressEvents". But when i try to call the function with the arguments compiler gives a error:


     col: 31 Error: Incorrect number of arguments.  Expected no more than 0.


    The code is this:


    DamageInvunerable_IN = TweenMax.to(this, 0.15, { startAt: { brightness: -.6, hue:0, contrast:.25, saturation: -.25 }, brightness:0, hue:0, contrast:0, saturation:0, overwrite:false, repeat: -1, yoyo:true, ease:Quad.easeInOut } );
    So, when i call to the tween to stop i want to it always stop at the time zero.
    Is some thing wrong? Why it does not work?


  2. I indeed found a error in the code, that in some cases call a function that in some cases call a TweenMax.KillAll().

    I believe this TweenMax function stops and kills ALL tweens running in the system altogether right? I solve this issue but i need more testing to make sure the problem was gone.

    About your the questions:

    - I fist used the V11 and then the V12. In both versions the problem occurred.

    - I using overwrite:false because i need to multiple Tweens to control multiple filters in a same object. For example: A certain status (damaged) applies a colorMatrixFilter when active and other status (frozen) apply a bevelFilter. A object could be frozen and take damage same time, so it need to be animated by both Tweens at same time. Some status apply a same kind of filter at same time (like color effects). The problem i had is when a status actives, a animation from other Tween used to be stopped or replaced by the most recent one. I know that is a complicated issue, i´m trying now to not use a same filter or proprieties for status that can be activated same time in the game.

    - The game loads external assets constantly. But is hard to see if when a problem happen a asset was loaded at the very same time. Some times, there is a problem related with a Event.Complete no be dispatched even if a asset was fully loaded (all bytes loaded), with no error happening whatsoever. This stop to happen when i reduce the volume of tweens created and start to call Carbage Collection in some key times. Because that, i thought the problem could be about the number of listeners existing in the system at a same time. Is there a know flash limitation about that? I mean, when there is a lot of event listeners existing same time and flash loose the ability to deal with then? A important aspect is the game use a lot of memory. Assets are very memory expensive. Lot of animations loaded and unloaded frequently.

    Some other questions:

    - What is best? Create TweenMax vars and call then to restart/play/pause or simply call TweenMax tweens functions when i need a tween to happen (consequently creating a new tween every time the function is called).

    - There is a simply way to remove a filter applied by a endless yoyo tween when i call this tween to stop or reverse? (I want the filter to be applied when tween start and be removed when code says to stop). As there is a lot of different tweens instances going on in the game is kind annoying control then individually. In the other logic used, tweens was created every time a status actives (not using instances), in that way was easier to call a remove propriety when status goes out. One of the problems with persistent filters is that flash does not render blending modes inside a movieclip when this movieclip has a filter applied to it.

    - It is possible to create a instance of a tween but the tween´s target be a dynamic var? I mean, i have a same tween instance and use this instance to animate multiple targets in different times. Or i always need to have a single tween for a single object? I don´t mean cases when there is multiples objects animated same time, but objects animated independently.

    Well, that is...

  3. I´m using a lot of features of TweenMax in flash game project like:

    - Delay calls.

    - Tween Proprieties and Variables.

    - Tween call functions in onUpdate/onComplete/onStart feature

    - Tween filters, color matrix and so on

    - Scale around point


    In some game features like:

    - Apply/Remove/Animate effect

    - Damage Controls Timers

    - Auto Time Control in Status Effects

    - Show/Hide/Animate Interfaces Arts

    - Show/Animate Damage art Splashes and Damage Text

    - Other Attributes Timers

    - Other Object Animations


    I have had huge problem that appear after i implement TweenMax for the animations in the game. The problem is:


    - Tweens animations, delayed calls stop in the middle of the animation or do not call functions after time is complete (in case of delayed calls). Objects that are being animated simply stop with the last value before Tween freeze. There is no error shown in debug mode and the problem happen randomly making no distinction of witch Tween is being done. Generally, all Tweens that are going in a same particular time freezes together. After one or multiple Tweens freezes other tweens called after works normally. But objects they were being animated by a frozen tween never get updated again, some times even if a Tween is called again or other tween takes places.


    Some examples:

       - Damage number appearing with damage splash stop in the middle of path and do no fade away with a code like that: 


    TweenMax.to(spriteArt.container, 1, { startAt: { y:-30, dropShadowFilter:{color:0x000000, alpha:1, blurX:4, blurY:4, strength:5.5, distance:0} }, dropShadowFilter:{color:0x000000, alpha:1, blurX:4, blurY:4, strength:8.5, distance:0} , y:-105, alpha:0, ease:Back.easeIn, overwrite:false, onComplete:remove} );


    - Yoyo animation of a filter (damage invulnerable effect) that make a object twinkle stop in a random value and never continue again with code like that:

    DamageInvunerableTween = TweenMax.to(thisObjectArt, 0.15, { colorMatrixFilter: { colorize:"0xffcc66", amount:"0.3", contrast:"1.3", brightness:"1.3" }, ease:Quad.easeInOut, overwrite:false, repeat: -1, yoyo: true } );


    - A interface element (like game over screen) do not appear or appear half transparent with code like that:

    TweenMax.to (_movieClip, 2, {startAt: {alpha:0}, alpha:1, onUpdate:updateBitmap, onStart:setAnimating, onStartParams:[true], onComplete:setAnimating, onCompleteParams:[false]} );


    - Some systems features stop to work when they use TweenMax for some reason (like delayedCalls):


    applyStatus("ShieldDamaged", true);
    TweenMax.delayedCall(time, removeStatus, ["ShieldDamaged", false]);


    The big problem is the game simply do not work when player plays for more than few minutes because some of this freezes happen and broke the gameplay or some effect or some animation.


    First, i though i was using TweenMax overly and then i reduce a lot the use and the creation of new tweens but make no difference. Some times there is a problem with other event Listners in the code like:


    art.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSephiusArtLoaded); 


    That make event.Complete or any other event not being dispatched and giving no error what so ever.


    The most strange thing is there is no error appearing in debug when this things happen so there is no way to find what is happening. The Tween/Event simply stop or not happen.


    I´m under lot of pressure because i should launch a demo for the project backers in 2 weeks and i still have no clue how to solve this catastrophic problem. 


    I can give repository access if necessary to test and see in action the problem happening. 


    Please help us!

  4. I understand. Well i get around the problem just limiting the situations where player can change the camera zoom, and every time the camera goes to the the normal zoom, it reset the y position of the sprites to originals values so the problem can´t be accumulated (in the y axis where the problem is more noticed). Other action is to make the transformation point dislocated in relation to the character´s velocity, so the point would be where the character will be and not where he was when the Tween start. Not a complete solution because in some rare cases when camera zoom in some layers appear to run in a rail. But i think we can live with that until thinking in a other solution.


    Any way thanks.

  5. Thanks Carl.


    Fortunately i don´t needed to use globalToLocal, i just subtract position of the container to find the absolute coordinate of the child in this case.


    Is working fine now, and i must say this plugin is essential. Thanks GreenShock for that. I don´t know how would solve this features without it.


    But i´m having a another little problem.


    I´m developing a sidecroller game. This feature i use the transformAroundPoint plugin consists of simulate a 3D camera going in or out the scene. In the game every element has it own parallax value which determines how much a element will dislocate when character moves. Background elements has lower parallax so they dislocate little and some foreground elements that is in front of character has parallax bigger than 1 and dislocate faster.


    When camera goes out, all elements in the scene are scaled down. I want this transformations to be relative to the parallax as well so background elements will scale little and foreground will scale more. This create a pseudo perspective view as the scene will not scale uniformly and make the composition easier.


    For that works i needed to scale elements always with the transformation point in the absolute center of the screen and not relative to its own centers, otherwise the effect not happen.


    This is working fine now with the transformAroundPoint plugin but, for some reason, when camera goes in (back to original "position") and all elements back to 1 factor scale, some times they are not coming back to the right position they was before. They come slight miss positioned. I think this happen when character are moving same time the camera goes in. So the containers position changes during the animation of the scales. I think it could be solved if the transformation point is dynamic.


    My question is. Is possible make the point of the transformAroundPoint to be dynamic using the dynamicProps plugin together? This point propriety are updated by frame when using this combination?


    Here a pic showing the feature working:


    Camera in "original" zoom:



    Camera in zoom out (correctly positioned sprites):



    Camera in zoom out (miss placed sprites):


  6. I´m trying to Tween a MC scale in a way it transformation point be always in the center of the screen. I though the TransformAroundPointPlugin already done the transformation by a absolute position point. But the code do not works as expected. It seams do use a coordinate relative to the MC that is transformed.


    Is TransformAroundPointPlugin work with absolute or relative values? If is relative, how can i find dynamically the right relative coordinate to the center of the screen?


    Here is the code:

    TweenMax.to(spriteArt.container, 0.5, {transformAroundPoint:{point:new Point(400, 200), scaleX:spriteArt.container.scaleX + ((1-scalleVar)*(1-parallaxVar)), scaleY:spriteArt.container.scaleY + ((1-scalleVar)*(1-parallaxVar))}});

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