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  1. I have 3 boxes and I want to animate-in each box individually I created a timeline for the animation and I'm using gsap.utils.toArray to animate each box sequentially However now I want the second box to start animating x duration before the first box is finished and the 3rd box x duration before the 2nd is finished etc. Is there a way to do that with gsap.utils.toArray ? Where and how should I adjust it?
  2. Hello guys, I'm new to GSAP On my page I have I have a few sections I resize the height of the first section immediately after the page load using gsap.to The subsequent section have scroll triggers. However the start and end of each section is still based on the values before the resize of the initial element I believe I need to use ScrollTrigger.refresh() to recalculate, but I'm not sure where to put it, see my codepen example Any help would be appreciated...
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