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Posts posted by aileen-r

  1. Thank you @Rodrigo, for the solution and quick response.


    This seems really obvious in hindsight, so lesson learned about copy/pasting an animation and not reading the code critically. The animation is much snappier now.


    As for the bounce effect, this sounds like a more challenging problem. Your initial pointers are very much appreciated. I'll post an update if I get anywhere with it.


    Thanks again!

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  2. Hi there,


    I'm really new to GSAP so please excuse any rookie mistakes.


    I have a row of slightly overlapping elements. On hover, I want one element to grow slightly and push its neighbours away.


    It's nearly right, but I've noticed a couple of things.


    1. The first time I hover over an item, the animation is slower and a bit stuttery

    I tried to capture this in a screen grab. When I hover over the same item again, the animation is snappy.



    I'm using transform: scale, not width/height so I thought it would be smooth.


    2. When I mouseout of one item and mouseover the next, the width of the row bounces

    I would prefer for the row's width to stay at its max, and for only the mouseout and mouseover elements to move. Then when I move my mouse out of the row entirely, the width of the row would contract.


    This one is less GSAP-specific and more implementation, I know, but I would appreciate any pointers.



    See the Pen oNMBxPm by aileen-r (@aileen-r) on CodePen

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