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Posts posted by riccbarelli

  1. Hello everybody,

    I hope this topic is new, as I've checked multiple time and didn't find it covered.


    In the link there's the code with which I have the problem. The problem is that when I try to use the function gsap.core.Tween.to(), giving it the control of the camera's position, the transition brings the camera to different locations to the ones I desire (which I tried with camera.position.set).

    The first doubt is the import I made, because I can't find the function gsap.to() that everybody here seems to use. But I can also see that when the OrbitControls are declared and used, the function gsap.core.Tween.to() seems to position the camera correctly, but doesn't do the same for the target. I know it's probably some rookie mistake, but I would be grateful if someone could help. Thanks for the help


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