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Posts posted by FirstEight

  1. well i will make a stackblitz soon,


    yea everything's alright in the codepen itself. i really dont know why its breaking apart in my CRA


    on the screenshot i scrolled down and it stays like this. it starts to play when i go to top again. but not everything works. its more like a big cup of bug-noodels.


    T_T  -  well lets see -


    thank you for your first response


  2. I converted this codepen into a CRA Application for further work.

    Well i like / love GSAP btw. 


    i swapped everything into the App.js of my CRA and imported all the things like this


    import React from "react";
    import { useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useRef } from "react"
    import { gsap } from "gsap";
    import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger";
    import SplitType from 'split-type';


    tried useEffect and useLayoutEffect


    everything else is exactly like in the codepen.


    when i start the page, the timelines are playing like 0.0001 seconds and then stop... so i got a lot of opacity: 0.01 items in space and it kinds works only when i re-enter the trigger space from the bottom ( toggleActions: "restart reverse restart reverse" ) on all the timelines.


    why is it breaking? any clue?

    See the Pen ExpqdBg by JayBERLIN (@JayBERLIN) on CodePen

  3. Hey green tinted GreatSocks,


    i just started my first Project with socks on! :) Iam glad that you all exsist.

    I have some unclear points where i maybe decided a bit to fast and for sure wrong. :D 


    well lets dive in @ https://underground.brainarea51.com/first8/

    sorry for the 10mb header-video prototype placeholder :P 


    I wanted a scroll-snap-type solution - coupled with scroll-trigger so iam using a scrollbar inside a div container as you can see.

    and i use timelines for the 100dvh sections. So far so well. 


    in the second section with those tabs expertise tabs i started to wonder, wich could be the best practice for revealing it all tab-wise instead of sectionwise.


    here the snippet iam talking about:


    //* -------------------------------------------------------- WHO SECTION
    const whoSplit2 = new SplitType('.me .tab h3')
    const whoSplit3 = new SplitType('.me .tab p')
    let whoTitles = document.querySelectorAll(".me .tab .tab-title .char")
    let whoWords = document.querySelectorAll(".me .tab p .word")
    const whoTimeline = gsap.timeline({
      scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: "#who",
        scroller: ".contentwrap",
        start: "center 100%",
        markers: true,
        end: "center 0%",
        toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse"
    whoTimeline.from(".me .tab", {
      duration: 1,
      y: 50,
      opacity: 0,
      stagger: 0.45,
      ease: "back"
    whoTimeline.from(".me .title-line", {
      duration: 1,
      width: "0%",
      stagger: 0.25,
      ease: "power4"
    }, "-=1")
    whoTimeline.from(whoTitles, {
      duration: 0.05,
      y: -50,
      opacity: 0,
      stagger: 0.04,
      ease: "power3"
    }, "-=1")
    whoTimeline.from(whoWords, {
      duration: 0.35,
      x: 50,
      opacity: 0,
      scale: 2,
      stagger: 0.02,
      ease: "back"

    how can i target all expertise-tabs to set up their own trigger without repeat and hardcode it.

    also the actual state is a mess on mobile, to much appearing to early and disappearing to early. I hope you can help me out a bit :)


    You Guys are GREAT :)

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