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Posts posted by Sgouws

  1. I've just started learning GSAP and have put together a basic slider with some animated text.

    The intention is to have the text animation play on page load, reverse when a slide is changed and then re-animate onto the new slide.


    I'm having 2 issues:

    1. When navigating forwards and then backwards. The animation plays on slide 1, but both the heading and subheading have their CSS properties changed after about 2 seconds and are then invisible. There appears to be no reason for this. To replicate, navigate to forward to slide 2, then back to slide 1, wait 2 seconds.

    2. There are increasing delays between the slide changes. Moving from slide 1 to 2, takes x seconds, but moving from 2 to 3 is exponentially longer. This wait increases as the slides progress.


    I know my JS isn't perfect, but this is the solution I've come up with.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    See the Pen jOpypWL by Sgouws (@Sgouws) on CodePen

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