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Maria Ferraro

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Posts posted by Maria Ferraro

  1. Hi! I'm trying to create something like a vertical gallery to show different products but one at a time on scroll.

    The main idea is to show One product and with the scroll it has to go up to show the other and stay there until the next scroll to show the next product. 


    Not sure what I'm doing wrong or what I'm missing (I'm new with Gsap)

    See the Pen gOjLEdx by mariaferraro (@mariaferraro) on CodePen

  2. Hello! I'm new with Gsap and I'm trying to change the background color of a section and it works great, the thing is when I switch to dark mode it doesn't chenge the default background color to the darker one, only happens if I switch it before going to that section. (I'm using React Switch)


    The colors are a variable that checks if dark mode is activated or not, but timeline doesn't change with it. Already tried with toggleActions. I think I might have to do a function to change the color when the dark mode is active or inactive, but I'm not sure how...


    This is how it looks like when I get there 



    this is how it looks if I change the theme 



    This is how should look (and how it looks when I go to other page and come back)



    I image.thumb.png.9cce7983719d88226e40bb893da4c69b.pngtried to put it into a CodePen but not really working


    See the Pen gOjLEdx by mariaferraro (@mariaferraro) on CodePen

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