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Posts posted by Jacks

  1. 6 hours ago, GreenSock said:

    I believe I figured it out. It boils down to the fact that you used a negative delay which is very unusual (I don't think I've ever seen someone do that in my 13+ years of doing this) :)


    It should be resolved in the next release which you can preview at: 



    In the meantime, though, you can work around it by simply adjusting the totalTime() instead of setting a negative delay(). 

    // old
    tl.delay(offset ? 0 : -5);
    // new
    offset || tl.totalTime(5);





    I guess I'm too used to CSS animations. Setting total time worked prefect. Thank you.

    • Like 1
  2. I'm trying to create an infinitely scrolling horizontal animation using GSAP. It works great, until I reverse the animation, go into negative time and change the time scale multiple times. To reproduce in the CodePen, press reverse, then spam the toggle speed button until the blue rectangle moves incorrectly.


    I fixed several of the original issues using this form post, but not all.

    A few notes about the CodePen.

    • Code is written pretty oddly because I ripped it out of my current code base where I'm implementing this as a directive in a reactive framework.
    • Spamming the speed toggle is just to reproduce mouse movement, which will be controlling the speed, I just didn't include all that code.
    • Blue and red squares are clones in the real case. They are different colors for clarity.


    I'm sure there is a better way to make this animation work, and I would be open to it if it fixed my problem.

    See the Pen MWBJjVY by jack_s (@jack_s) on CodePen

  3. I can not get quickTo to work rotateX. It is working fine with the regular to


    The CodePen shows an example. I am trying to use this in a SolidJS project, and am actually getting an Maximum call stack size exceeded error. I don't get that in the CodePen, but it still does not work. I didn't see anything in the documentation about quickTo only working with x and y, so I am assuming this should be possible.

    The error incase anyone is interested. image.thumb.png.fbed19cb56142b00e0ffb373d2e7e924.png


    See the Pen wvxogRX by jack_s (@jack_s) on CodePen

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