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Posts posted by Betegy

  1. Thanks for Your replies.

    Yes, You right, banner will use internet, and loaded through it, sorry for confusion. But I need callback when internet is absent, and for this I need achieve a minimal file size (coz banner will load a lot of times), when CDN link will be not available.
    This is additional clarification if someone need the same option.
    Sorry again for misunderstanding!

  2. Hey guys.


    I got a request to generate a minimal animation file for using on banner without internet, so CDN I cannot use.

    I found post about old version GSAP:

    I using gsap.timeline() .set() .from() .to() and Eases.


    Maybe someone know how to optimize gsap.min.js (72kb) file more than it is.

    Maybe could help combination of other minified files.


    Thank You in advance!

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