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Posts posted by Romrom

  1. Thanks for your reply,


    It was my mystake, when I get all my objects it is before I append them to my wrapper.


    So it wasn't a correct CSS selector.


    If someone is interested, here is the good code :


    var YOUTUBE = {
    wrappervideo: $('#videos'),
    animation_videos: function(videos) {
    var TL = new TimelineLite();
    TL.staggerFromTo(videos,3,{css:{autoAlpha:0}}, {css:{autoAlpha:1}},0.2);
    get: function() {
    $.getJSON("//gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/E269D6C105CB2EB6?&alt=json&max-results=10", function(data) {
    var thumbnails = new Array();
    var video_grid = new Array();
    var html = "";
    var number_of_lines = 3;
    for(var i = parseInt(data.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
    thumbnails.push([data.feed.entry[i].media$group.media$thumbnail[0], data.feed.entry[i].media$group.media$thumbnail[1]])
    for(var i = thumbnails.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    var _left = ((thumbnails[i][0].width + 7) * Math.round(i % number_of_lines));
    var _top = ((thumbnails[i][0].height + 7) * Math.floor(i / number_of_lines));
    var video = "<img src='" + thumbnails[i][0].url + "' width='" + thumbnails[i][0].width + "px' height='" + thumbnails[i][0].height + "px' class='listvid' style='position:absolute;top:" + _top + "px;left:" + _left + "px;' data-min-height='" + thumbnails[i][1].height + "' data-min-width='" + thumbnails[i][1].width + "' data-min-url='" + thumbnails[i][1].url + "'></>";
    html += video;
    YOUTUBE.wrappervideo.find('img').each(function (index,el) {
    TweenMax.set(YOUTUBE.wrappervideo, {
    css: {
     marginTop: -parseInt(thumbnails[0][0].height),
     marginLeft: -parseInt(thumbnails[0][0].width),
     display: 'block'

  2. Hello,


    I have a problem when I created an ajax request and want to tween new elements in my DOM.


    The idea :

    I get thumbnails from a youtube playlist and when it's done I add all thumbnails in a grid inside my DOM.

    By default all elements are non visible, once it's get loaded I tween them to make their opacity to 1.



    I think, like it's new elements TweenMax don't see them and can't make the animation works.


    Here's my code :

    var YOUTUBE = {
    wrappervideo: $('#videos'),
    animation_videos: function(videos) {
    var TL = new TimelineLite();
    // for(var i = videos.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    // TL.append(TweenMax.to(YOUTUBE.videos[i]), 0.5, {
    // css: {
    // opacity: 1
    // }
    // });
    // };
    // TL.play();
    get: function() {
    $.getJSON("//gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/E269D6C105CB2EB6?&alt=json&max-results=10", function(data) {
    var thumbnails = new Array();
    var video_grid = new Array();
    var html = "";
    var number_of_lines = 3;
    for(var i = parseInt(data.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
    thumbnails.push([data.feed.entry[i].media$group.media$thumbnail[0], data.feed.entry[i].media$group.media$thumbnail[1]])
    for(var i = thumbnails.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    var _left = ((thumbnails[i][0].width + 7) * Math.round(i % number_of_lines));
    var _top = ((thumbnails[i][0].height + 7) * Math.floor(i / number_of_lines));
    var video = "<img src='" + thumbnails[i][0].url + "' width='" + thumbnails[i][0].width + "px' height='" + thumbnails[i][0].height + "px' class='listvid' style='position:absolute;top:" + _top + "px;left:" + _left + "px;' data-min-height='" + thumbnails[i][1].height + "' data-min-width='" + thumbnails[i][1].width + "' data-min-url='" + thumbnails[i][1].url + "'></>"
    html += video;
    TweenMax.set(YOUTUBE.wrappervideo, {
    css: {
     marginTop: -parseInt(thumbnails[0][0].height),
     marginLeft: -parseInt(thumbnails[0][0].width),
     display: 'block'


    Do you see where I can make the animation run ?

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