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Posts posted by Rasmus

  1. Thanks for the answer :) I think i might just have figured out how to do most of the stuff I was planing.

    But I do have one question, relating to this..

    I'm trying to do a object that has constrainScale=true, but when in cropMode, it'll change to constrainScale=false.

    I figures that I have to set up a eventListener, to listen for the "enterCropMode" and "
    exitCropMode"-events, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to work!


    Could you write me a simple example of how to listen for the event?


    var myItem:Crop=new Crop(myFoto, TransformManager)
    myItem.addEventListener(???, cropOn)
    function cropOn(???):void{
    trace("Crop is on!")

    ... I might be getting it all wrong - lol 

  2. I made a workaround for the constrainScale-issue, where I toggle the boolean in the transformManager itself, based on what item is selected, and if it's allowed to scale disproportionately or not ... this works, but I guess I have to fiddle with the Crop.as source, if I want it as a property on the crop-item itself, right?

  3. Once again .. thanks for an awesome code, that really helps me out on a day to day basis :D

    Right now, I'm working on a project using the crop-functions, and I have a few questions, that I can't seem to find any answers to on the forums, or on Google.


    First off, when I add a item that use the crop-function, is it somehow possible to have the scaling default to constraining scale? I can't seem to call the constrainScale:Boolean -property, that I usually use in a transform item. - so I guess it's not there ... but if I hold down shift, I can see the functionality is there!


    Secondly, is there by chance a boolean to toggle the mouse-click that activates the cropping?
    Since I was planing to make cropping occur only when the user clicks on a button, while the item is selected, and not being able to activate it by double-clicking.


    Are there any way to do this without changes to the source?

    p.s. you guys rocks!

  4. Sorry if my description was a little hard to understand.

    But yes ... I'm thinking about the distance from the lines, to trigger the drag-function, if the user holds down LMB. In the same way, as i can set the tolerance for rotation.



    Is there a way to set this in pixels for the lines?

  5. I'm working on a project, using the TransformManager, and I need to fiddle with the pixel tolerance, for triggering the drag-function on a line on the bounding rectangle.

    Is there a function for this, like the: paddingForRotation(value:Number):void ??

    I have been over the docs a few times, and can't seem to find a call to do this.

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