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Posts posted by PWSey

  1. I was trying to create something similar to: https://www.theclimatepledge.com/us/en/progress

    Which I believe does use GSAP and Scrolltrigger as I was inspecting their scripts, I initially thought it was also using with threejs since elements seem to be coming towards the camera and disappearing.

    Since I am kind of new to GSAP and threejs, I was not be able to make something similar with Next.js and wanted to know if I were correct on using threejs. Would love any advice on how to create something similar or if there are any examples with GSAP and threejs.

  2. Hi 

    I was following the example below but when trying to implement on a nextjs project the animation on start is disappearing (going to the end of the animation) also it seems to be duplication i have no clue why, if anybody can enlighten me I would greatly appreciate it. When going from bottom to top animation works correctly.

    Code sandbox link: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/cool-gwen-gqvoqi

    Example I followed:

    See the Pen LYpaPQp by hexagoncircle (@hexagoncircle) on CodePen

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