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Posts posted by KevinCon

  1. Howdy!


    So I'm trying to sort out an opacity 0 > opacity 1 > opacity 0 for the top to bottom falling animation shown in the CodePen here, my issue is when the tweens restart, it's an abrupt jump to opacity 1 at the top. Ideally, it would start at the top 0 opacity each time, fade In as it starts to fall, then fade back out as it reaches the bottom. I think I'm not fully understanding the nuances of adding to's to the timeline where a fromTo doesn't quite cut it. With fromTo I can only really specify the start & end states, so it either starts opacity 0, or ends opacity 0, can't seem to have it both ways with the change in the middle with the way I've got it setup.


    Thanks for any help!

    See the Pen xxzQZjg by kconsidine (@kconsidine) on CodePen

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