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Posts posted by idsintehittapa

  1. Hello!


    Nice to meet you all, I am new to this forum. I started using gsap after taking a workshop with Cassie a while back 😀


    I am trying to align my css hover animation with my gsap animation. I am using gsap.context to handle my (soon to be) timeline and take benefit of revert(). I.e. I want the little IKEA person to start it's animation when the user hover the IKEA word and the css hover is rendered. I understand that I somewhere have to add play() to a pointerEvent, but I've failed to understand where to put this. 

    I've searched through the forum and googled but I haven't find anything that align fully with what I am trying to do. Or, simply I don't completely understand how to do it 😅

    See the Pen ExRdOyM by idsintehittapa (@idsintehittapa) on CodePen

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