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Posts posted by paulanthony

  1. Yeh.. I added the new version of VideoLoader to the loading directory of the old environment and and it resolved the issue. My application allows user to load another video without first stopping the current video in the loader and the next time the first video loaded it was getting a bit confused seemingly because it was previously aborted.. However, the later VideoLoader script dealt with the crash event ok..




    P.S Strangely though, the second play of the same video although starting well, for some reason always pauses for a moment at around point 14 seconds and then starts again.. The first time the video is run after the flash player swf is loaded it runs perfect.


    I have tried unload() and Dispose() via the onchildcancel event to get rid of the content when user chooses to play a diff video but the second play of the same video still pauses for a while.. I don't know what it is but a clue is to do with caching.


    The noCache value = true in the loader script but in chrome I can only get it to run 100% perfect if I switch caching off in the chrome browser but clearly I can not control what users have set or not set in their chrome browser.. if I load another video and the first is aborted what event is this ? I assume it is onchildCancel ?

  2. The old version I was using for LoaderMax was VERSION: 1.761

    * DATE: 2010-12-07


    I have just marked out the second createVideo() call and tried again but still same error..


    The reference to buffermode:true is legacy code from trying to solve the first bug but it has been removed / switched to false many times as have many other parameters and It seems to have no relevance to this latest bug.


    Also I have tried noCache:true - it had no effect on the error.


    It seems to me that the second FLV is not initialising but I have a feeling it is not being found in the xml loader because the holder for the 2nd flv has a black image background and this is being loaded but the flvvideo call is not being understood.


    The problem I have here is that Greensocks is sitting behind a 3rd party flash slider product that was not created with your latest version in mind and I am fearful that I do not have all of your updates migrated properly..


    if I reset the old version could you help me with the original bug? - i think it will be easier for this moment in time as I think to upgrade properly I would need to commission you guys at a later date to embed the update properly with the 3rd party flash player.


    The original BUG ( In chrome, large flv's are severely delayed when loading second time after the swf call.)


    This is an example for error repeat using older version of Greensock in SWF.


    #1 load Google browser


    #2 call http://www.facebook....121837131257077


    #3 click play on first video called "welcome" - result, ok


    #4 abort video by searching and selecting alternative video from magnifying glass.


    #5 abort and reselect "welcome" video - result, Video takes 2 mins to load.


    #6 delete browser cache and reload url and run "welcome" video and ok again..


    Each time the cache is reset the video plays fine.. but users will not know how to do this..


    This older SWF uses same fh code shown above.


    as mentioned the new LoaderMax fixes this problem but introduces a second child video bug there fore i think its will be easier to resolve original bug.


    Can you help?


    Your help will be gladly appreciated as it is already.






    P.S Have set up the original error for repeat as described which can be seen at http://www.facebook....121837131257077



    what we have now....



    private function createVideo():void {

    video = new VideoLoader(src, {onInit:function(){error=18}, name:"myVideo", container:cont, width:__width, height:__height, bufferTime:7, scaleMode:"proportionalInside", bgColor:0x000000, autoAdjustBuffer:false, noCache:false, bufferMode:true});

    //start loading





    on VERSION: 1.761

    * DATE: 2010-12-07

  3. As a result of fixing a bug(large video's delayed loading in chrome) by upgrading to the latest version of GreenSock I have now introduced a second bug where additional flv loads in an xml sheet do not play.


    If I use the old GreenSock environment they all play with no problems unless of course an flv is large and then i have the original bug back.


    The current calling script is enclosed and the symptom can be seen at http://www.facebook....121837131257077 by searching for and clicking on video test20 which plays 1 image and then should play 2 consecutive flv's in the player. These are :-




    and the second which does not play. (I have checked the xml which is all working in older version of greensocks..




    I have tried a 1000 permutations in the enclosed script to fix this bug but to no avail. The script however works with older version of Greensocks.


    Please can you help.




    xml script is http://videocastit.com/images/tmp/2091/17c7047e6784107dc00d504df6e5a160/banner.xml


    Calling script for Maxloader is as follows....


    package fh{


    import flash.display.*;

    import flash.net.URLRequest;

    import flash.net.URLLoader;

    import flash.net.navigateToURL;

    import flash.errors.IOError;

    import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;

    import flash.events.*;

    import flash.utils.*;

    import flash.events.TimerEvent;

    import flash.events.FocusEvent;

    import flash.utils.*;

    import flash.net.*;



    import com.greensock.loading.*;

    import com.greensock.loading.display.*;

    import com.greensock.*;

    import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent;

    import com.greensock.TweenLite;




    public class fhvideo extends Sprite {


    public var video:VideoLoader; //the object which will have the player loaded to

    //private var loader:Loader; //the loader which will load the player


    private var src:String; //the video's id

    private var __width:Number;

    private var __height:Number;

    private var startSec:Number;

    public var loaded:Boolean = false;

    public var error:Number=0;

    public var oldvolume:Number = 0;

    public var volumechanger:Object = new Object;

    public var cont:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    private var queue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({allowMalformedURL:true });



    public var ismuted:Boolean;






    function fhvideo(SRC:String,dwidth:Number, dheight:Number, startat:Number, quality:String) {


    __width = dwidth;

    __height = dheight;

    startSec = startat;



    if (SRC.length>0)





    public function init(SRC:String,dwidth:Number, dheight:Number, startat:Number, quality:String):void {


    __width = dwidth;

    __height = dheight;

    startSec = startat;




    private function onPlayerError(event:Event):void {





    //onInit:function(){ error=18},



    private function createVideo():void {

    video = new VideoLoader(src, {onInit:function(){ error=18}, name:"myVideo", container:cont, width:__width, height:__height, bufferTime:5, noCache:true, scaleMode:"proportionalInside", bgColor:0x000000, autoAdjustBuffer:false, bufferMode:true, estimatedBytes:70000});


    //start loading









    public function setStage(__width:Number, __height:Number) {



    cont.width= __width;

    cont.height= __height;



    public function destroy():void {



    try{stop();} catch(error:IOErrorEvent) { } catch(error:TypeError) {} catch(error:Error) {} finally {}


    var obj = cont.getChildAt(0);








    } catch(error:IOErrorEvent) { } catch(error:TypeError) {} catch(error:Error) {} finally {}






    public function getTime():Number


    return video.videoTime;





    public function getDuration():Number


    return video.duration;




    public function setPlaybackQuality(quality:String)






    private function onPlayerStateChange(evt:Event) {






    public function getProgress():Number {

    return getTime()/getDuration();




    public function getBuffer():Number {

    return queue.bytesLoaded / queue.bytesTotal;





    public function play():void {





    public function pause():void {






    public function stop():void {






    public function gotoAndPlay(time:Number) {





    public function gotoAndStop(time:Number) {






    public function mute() {


    try{oldvolume = video.volume;} catch(error:IOErrorEvent) { } catch(error:TypeError) {} catch(error:Error) {} finally {}

    try{video.volume=0;} catch(error:IOErrorEvent) { } catch(error:TypeError) {} catch(error:Error) {} finally {}



    public function unMute() {


    try{video.volume=1;} catch(error:IOErrorEvent) { } catch(error:TypeError) {} catch(error:Error) {} finally {}



    public function volume(_vol:Number) {

    try{video.volume=_vol;} catch(error:IOErrorEvent) { } catch(error:TypeError) {} catch(error:Error) {} finally {}



    public function getVolume():Number {

    var vv=0;

    try{vv= video.volume;} catch(error:IOErrorEvent) { } catch(error:TypeError) {} catch(error:Error) {} finally {}

    return vv;



    public function state():String {


    case -1: unstarted

    case 0 : ended

    case 1 : playing;

    case 2 : pauses;


    var state=-1;

    if (video.videoPaused) state=2;

    if (!video.videoPaused) state=1;

    if (video.playProgress==1) state=0;


    return state;





    private function onPlayerReady(event:Event):void {

    //video = loader.content; //sets the player

    //video.setSize(__width, __height); //sets the display size


    //video.loadVideoById(id,startSec); //loads the video by the id

    //loaded = true;






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