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  1. Hello. I'm doing animations now using ScrollTriger. In order for them to be smooth, I used the SmoothScroll plugin, I don't like that the elements that need to be fixed should be written above the smoother class. Could you recommend another smooth animation plugin or library that could be integrated with GSAP?
  2. Hello? I'm a Club Greensock Member and am using ScrollSmoother in my project. I added a data-lag attribute to each section for smooth page scrolling. You can see on the codepen that sections are jumping unevenly, the blue background is visible during scrolling. Can this be fixed with "Easing" or some other way? I also add a video, because this bug is not always shown. Thank you in advance IMG_0363.mp4
  3. This is my codepen my codepen. The blue background is visible during fast scrolling.
  4. Hello? I'm a Club Greensock Member and am using ScrollSmoother in my project. I added a data-lag attribute to each section for smooth page scrolling. You can see on the video that sections are jumping unevenly, the background image is visible during scrolling. Can this be fixed with "Easing" or some other way? Thank you in advance GSAP.mp4
  5. Hi, I started using the plugin ScrollSmoother, and I have a question. Can I fix an element without taking it outside "smooth-content" and "smooth-wrapper"? Thank you in advance.
  6. Hello? I am creating a website in WordPress, where I have installed ScrollSmoother. To avoid iOS Safari bugs that occasionally cause jitter, I use normalizeScroll: true. But when I use it, overflow-y: scroll doesn't work, and the elements do not scroll as seen in my codepen. How to solve this problem?
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