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Posts posted by JoussenKarliczek

  1. Thanks @Rodrigo for your fast reply.


    I checked the resources but I don´t know how they can help me yet.


    The reason I created it with sections is that I want it to be as flexible as possible. Later I want to use it in a CMS where the others can fill content as they want. The "circel-line" should always stay as a separator between content-blocks and the content-blocks should be variable - left or right - and in the length. 


    I think it´s already a quite good solution as it is.


    The biggest problem I see at the moment is the starting point which I think with "`${window.innerHeight / 2} bottom`" is quite fine and to ensure, that the animations start/end with no break in between.


    Can you think of other tricks to make that better?


    Thanks in advance.

  2. Hi,


    as you can see in my codepen demo: I created an example where I try to let a svg grow while scrolling through a website.


    I have following questions or need tips on these topics:


    1. I realised the demo with 

    start: '+=650px bottom',

    - is there a better way to define the start of the animation?

    Problems: if I try it with top,center or bottom - I see the start of every section already


    2. there is a small animation-break if you reach another section - how could I get rid of that break?


    3. is there another way/technique to extend the text-area with a growing SVG rather than take a +2000px SVG? (create a SVG via script?)


    Thanks for any tips or suggestions!

    See the Pen bGZOpjj by joussenkarliczek (@joussenkarliczek) on CodePen

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