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Satya Prakash

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Posts posted by Satya Prakash

  1. Hi Superheroes

    Thank You so much for the reply!!!

    I'm ok to pay here as but how much would that be is a question 🙂 and yes how much time it should take to achieve this


    this is what i've reached using panzoom js library but moving the images individually and bounding it within the containers so it doesn't go off screen while panning is what I cannot achieve.


  2. Hi Greensock


    Amazing library I must say and have been following you since your Actionscript libraries.

    How can I get something like https://www.powerhouse-company.com/ homepage. I'm not a professional coder so any help would be appreciated.

    If I need to pay for this I'm happy to do that as well. But need a prompt reply as em running short on time here.


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