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  1. On load, first image is visible on the left. On the right, I can see the 3 texts. Only the first one have opacity to 1, others have 0.3. On scroll, second image shows, first text opacity change to 0.3 and the second text goes to 1 and so on. I hope it's more understandable
  2. Hello I've been trying for 2 days to develop this animation with 2 cols : on the left images, on the right text I would like to animate first image with first text, (image slide from left above the previous one, text's opacity goes to the next paragraph) second image with second text, etc I'm stuck, animation is one element after an other Can you give me a tip please ? Thanks Here is a codepen : https://codepen.io/thmbck/pen/abGbWqM
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