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Posts posted by oxley

  1. Thx Jack and Rodrigo for your suggestions.


    I understand - thought it was something like that but couldn't pinpoint it.


    I am pretty new to Javascript - whick console do you use to watch the execution of the code?


    I have removed the click bindings and seem to have what I think is a pretty straight fwd example implementing Rodrigo's suggested approach above - but reverse animation not working at all now when the close button is clicked. It must be obvious - can you see where I am going wrong?


    Have updated the example - http://jsbin.com/irixuk/88/edit




  2. I've been struggling with an issue for some time now and have exhausted all suggestions of a fix. I play and reverse an animation a few times and then suddenly the animation starts reversing to a certain point and stops. As I continue to run and reverse the animation, less and less of the full animation is reversed (presumably because the start point is shifting out). Tracking it in Chrome's "Inspect Element" I can see the CSS properties are left at a point indicating incomplete reversal. 


    I have tried:

    tl.set(objectToAnimate, {clearProps:"all"});

    Also tried deleting the _gsTransform that attaches to the object being animated
    delete objectToAnimate._gsTransform;


    ......but nothing works. Is this a bug?


    Example at http://jsbin.com/irixuk/72/edit


    To replicate bug click blue box, close and repeat until animation fails to return to start (after 3-5 plays usually).

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