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Posts posted by Matt

  1. Unfortunately, I'm working with SVG that gets dynamically added to the DOM by another plugin. Raphael cannot work with SVG that already exists in the DOM. D3 and Snap.svg seem to be my best options for this. I couldn't get D3 to animate from a center pivot point, but I did get Snap to do it. So currently am using Snap for SVG transforms and Greensock for other SVG animations (fills, strokes, etc.). I understand Snap was created by the same author as Raphael. Any plans for a Snap plugin for Greensock (or a fully independent SVG plugin)?

  2. Thanks, Carl. I'll keep looking then. Essentially I just need to transform a shape from its center point rather than from the top left. It doesn't appear that Greensock can do this at the moment. I've looked into other libraries (including D3 and Raphael), but they all appear to have the same behavior. Perhaps just a limitation of SVG as you said. FYI: I've posted a more generic question related to accomplishing this via any library or method on StackOverflow here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21412043/how-do-i-rotate-or-scale-transform-an-svg-path-relative-to-its-center-point


    Thanks for your help. -Matt

  3. I'm trying to animate a <PATH> within an <SVG> with transform. With the help of another post in the forums, I've managed to get the transform working, but I can't find a way to change the transform origin (css transform-origin doesn't work). It always performs the transform relative to the top left. Here's a basic demo I'm working with at the moment: http://jsbin.com/eyaqOLIY/1/edit?html,js,output


    In the final version, I will be manipulating an SVG that is created by another javascript library, so I can't change the HTML output much --- I could add classes and such, but I can't go wrapping things in <G> elements, etc. The final will also have multiple paths within a single <SVG>, that I need to animate seperately, so I can't apply the animation to the SVG. I need to animate the <PATH>.


    Any idea how I can animate the path relative to its center rather than the top left (needs to be compatible with IE9 and FF10)?




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