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Posts posted by Tricto

  1. I have a pinned section in my page, which makes the other Scroll triggers I have in different child components have their starting positions inaccurate.

    I tried refreshing the Scroll trigger(using ScrollTrigger.refresh())  in the main page(file) but the issue remained.

    Also I want to know if there is a way I can pass down an instance of Scroll trigger and Gsap to my other components, so If i refresh that one instance, it updates everywhere, or is there a better way to handle having multiple gsap and scroll triggers in different components but still being able to control them from the main page?

    Also I want to know if  the better approach is to write all my animations in one useEffect with all the jsx in one page(file) or have some of the animations for different parts of the page as components which include their respective jsx. So pretty much everything in one page or components style ?
    I ask this because the component approach has been a headache for me, because one way or another the starting points end up inaccurate.
    I would apperciate if someone could help with a direction I could take.

    This is a simplified version https://stackblitz.com/edit/vite-react-tailwind-fpc1wz?file=src/App.jsx

    where I tried to refresh a child component but it didn't work

    See the Pen App.jsx by edit (@edit) on CodePen

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