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Alim Bolar

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Posts posted by Alim Bolar

  1. My mistake.. it seems it's neither the frontmatter nor the astro.config.mjs... it's actually like in any other framework.. it's within the script tags in the component..;-)..


    Sorry for overthinking the issue, it seems to work fine when I follow the normal methods..;-)..


    However in the console I still do get the same error message.. but the code/script works fine..




  2. Hi 


    I am new to gsap and new to astro.. so please excuse the 'newbieness'..;-)..


    I was trying to install gsap on astro and wanted to know the best way forward.. I tried the CDN and the npm install but both didn't work and they gave me this error in the console


    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property window of #<Window> which has only a getter


    So in astro does one do the import (import {gsap} from 'gsap') within the frontmatter part or do we need to do anyting in the astro.config.mjs?


    I recollect having similar issue in the past when I was experimenting with gsap with Vue3 but finally the CDN method worked there.. but in astro I can't get it to work with the CDN too..


    Some hand-holding would be appreciated. I love the product and it works well on codepen etc but I'd like to use it on a personal project using astro.




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