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Posts posted by simgy

  1. @mvaneijgen Thank you very much for the great explanation and demos and the super fast response. This helps a lot and it seems as a good idea to animate the wrapper.


    It works much better and I understand the issue with the snap now better. Thank you. The only thing which still doesn't work perfectly, is the radius of the border. Once I reach the final position (by scrolling and by the snap = 1 ), the video will have for a short moment a radius or 0 and jumps back to the 1.5rem. It takes maybe 0.5 seconds. 


    This is what I tried to get rid of with the last line of code 

     .to(".video_wrapper video", { scale: 1, borderRadius: "1.5rem" });

    but I understand that this doesn't do anything.


    Any ideas? I scaled the CodePen Example of you to 0.5x and you can see it jump a little bit in the corners as well. 

  2. Hi everyone,


    I am struggling at a video scroll animation. 

    I would like to change the size of the video depending on the scrolling of the user. Scrolling down, increasing, scrolling up, decreasing. This works in general great. 

    But I have 2 problems. 

    1.: When I do not scroll completely to the end, the page scrolls automatically back to the top.

    2.: The boarder radius overshoots at the end to 0px and comes right after back to 1.5 rem. 


    What am I doing wrong? I tested it on Safari and Chrome (Mac OS)


    See the Pen PogqBQB by simgy (@simgy) on CodePen

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