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Michael S

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Posts posted by Michael S

  1. Thanks for the response! I have the landing page with the background made from the particles.js with the logo, cta, h1, and h2 tags, BUT I don't have the warp speed yet, I was just showing that as an example. My question is should I start all the way over and make the entire thing with GSAP, or should I start with what I have and use GSAP to create and initiate the warp speed? 

  2. I have a background of outer space that is made of js particles with general divs of content on top of it (logo,h1,h2) When a button is click and or scroll is initiated, I want the background to quickly move into warp speed (

    See the Pen GgbgLe by acarva1 (@acarva1) on CodePen

    )  and blur the content and move and load the next page. I plan on using https://barba.js.org/ for the page transition but am new to GSAP and not sure how to achieve this otherwise. 


    Should I recreate the stars background using GSAP and then animate the warp speed or can I use existing particle js? I really am not sure how to go about this so any suggestions or guide would be greatly appreciated. 


    Thanks so much in advance and please let me know if you need anything to help answer. 

    See the Pen rOzmve by bob6664569 (@bob6664569) on CodePen

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