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Ted Moso

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  1. @GreenSock That's actually what I'm trying to accomplish. I didn't even realize that start: 'top' was invalid. For some reason, I was thinking that it would default to start: 'top top' Thank you for pointing out a lot of my mistakes there. I'm learning a lot from your input. I'll keep those in mind as I'm moving forward with other projects using this library. Also, it was very interesting that you could put a logic in "pin" like as you did: pin: i !== (pvItems.length - 1) ? pvItem.querySelector('.ls-section__pv-item-content-container') : false, I didn't know that this was something I could do.
  2. Hi @iDad5 and @GreenSock, Thank you for the reply, and sorry for the confusion. I have a hard time describing my issue with just text sometimes. But I'll try to explain it again with snippets. The issue is basically the 4th item that I'm trying to snap into. If I come from the 3rd item, or where it says "Upcoming Events 3", and I try to snap to the 4th item, I get this result: What I'm trying to accomplish is to snap to the 4th item like this (snippet below): But it's not doing that.. it looks like it's skipping the 4th item as I'm trying to snap into it. I hope showing you the snippets explains it better. Let me know if there is still a lot of confusion. I think there is something wrong with my current css or html set up. Or I just need to set up my tween better. I'm still very new to GSAP, so there's a lot of it I don't understand. But I am not giving up! lol. I really like this library. In time I'll understand better and get better with this. Again, any advise or change on the code that I need to do are very much appreciated. @GreenSock Thank you for setting up that blue line. Read your code on how your setting that, but not understanding it yet lol. Although, It's helping me and it's showing that the fix I need to do has to be how I'm snapping the items. I'm looking into that now. And I'll listen to your advise and try to simplify my codepen better.
  3. Hi, I'm practicing on applying snap on pinned items on a section block. I've even set up an svg. It's more complex than a basic pinned content. I set it up the content and pinned it in a way that it stays on the bottom and svg on the top as it slides to the next item. I think it's going the way I want it to, at least, the "pinned" part. But my snapping part of each item is weird... There are times where the content on the first item doesn't show if I snap from the bottom. And also, when I try to snap to the last item (#4) it quickly jumps to the next section (which is just basically a red background for placeholder). On the same item (#4), when I snap from the red background section (scrolling up) it jumps straight to the third item (#3). I've been spending a lot of hours just trying to figure it out and no luck. Can somebody take a look at this and see what I need to do to fix the snapping problem? I'm pretty much stuck. Any kind of help would be appreciated.
  4. Hey GreenSock, Thank you so much! That is exactly what I'm looking for.
  5. Thank you for the reply Cassie! If I was to change the codepen example above to snap to the closest section, would snapTo play a huge roll on that? I'm just stuck on how to go about it at the moment. What would you advise? Is there a good example that I could base it off?
  6. Hi, I'm loving GSAP so far, but I'm fairly new. Can someone explain to me how snapTo works? And how would I use it to only snap to a section when most of the section is shown versus prior, or the nearest section. I'm assuming that it takes more than just manipulating the value of snapTo. I'm following this example (below): https://codepen.io/akapowl/pen/RwVwrpv/5bbc8a970b867ded2a331a6ecf088821 This part of the example, confuses me a bit: snapTo: 1 / (sections.length - 1),
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