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Posts posted by Mattes

  1. Hello everyone,

    I created a scroll animation with a sprite sheet, works wonderfully with gsap, but unfortunately not with the responsive behavior. Is there a possibility to display the animation max-width 639px only half as big?


    Thank you for your help

    See the Pen poZBZJP by mattes007 (@mattes007) on CodePen

  2. Hi Cassie,

    thank you for reporting. Imagine the animation like this, I scroll to the bottom of the page, the animation works correctly. But if I now manually reload the browser window and I am still at the bottom of the page after reloading, then the animation is displayed as it was at the start of the page. Animation loses its position after page reload. It's starting over even though I'm at the end of the page.

    When I'm at the top of the page, the picture is on the right, I scroll down to the end, and the picture is on the left. Now when I reload the page I'm still at the bottom at the bottom of the page only the picture is on the right like I'm at the top of the page. Difficult to explain. I work with an iMac, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, everywhere is the same problem.

    Thanks for the help.


    Picture 01.jpg = Start of page, animation start

    Picture 02.jpg = End of page, animation end

    Up to here everything is correct

    Picutre 03.jpg = Refresh the Page (in this case the frame)

    Picutre 04.jpg = End page and the animation will be start again

    The picture should be there like in picture 2








  3. Hello everyone,

    I have the following problem. In the page I have a ScrollTrigger animation with an image that runs behind the text. If I scroll to the bottom of the page, reload the browser window, I'm still at the bottom of the page, only the animation starts again. It loses its position after the window is reloaded. Is that normal? This looks like an error.


    As always, thanks you

    See the Pen wvxmqrQ by mattes007 (@mattes007) on CodePen

  4. Hi Cassie, hi Rodrigo,


    thank you for your feedback. I watched Cassie's video once and tried to implement it, unfortunately without success. Here's an example:


    function init() {

    gsap.from(".fond-home", {opacity: 0, duration: 1, autoAlpha:0})

    window.addEventListener("load", function(event){


    Can't get the .fond-home class addressed. Do I have an error in the syntax?

  5. OK thank you.

    That with an overlay sounds good, but how do I get that properly synchronized between my animations, images and CSS data? Do you have an example for me?

  6. Thanks for your answer but I think that's the wrong one. My entire website contains a wide variety of animations on the page. Images that are loaded in the div as background are animated using classes in gsap. This all works wonderfully, only partially when the sources (images, CSS) are not yet loaded does it start to flicker. I need something where everything is loaded first and only then starts.


    Hello everyone,

    I want to start an animation as soon as the DOM is fully loaded. Otherwise the animation flickers. Is there a solution for this?


    Thanks for help

  8. Hello everyone,   
    I seem to have an understanding problem, I want to address an element in a timeline that has different animations.
    Unfortunately, it doesn't work the way I created the code, the last animation is displayed first when the page loads.
    const tl1 = gsap.timeline({
    		scrollTrigger: {
    			trigger: "#werte-2",
    			markers: true,
    			start: "top 80%",
    			end: "top 20%",
    			scrub: 2,
    			toggleActions:"play none none reverse"
      tl1.fromTo(".ani-werte", { x: 700, y: -100, opacity: 0, rotation: 15, scale: 0.6, }, { scale: 1, x: 500, opacity: 0.4, rotation: -15})
    const tl2 = gsap.timeline({
    		scrollTrigger: {
    			trigger: "#werte-8",
    			markers: true,
    			start: "top 80%",
    			end: "top 20%",
    			scrub: 2,
    			toggleActions:"play none none reverse"
      tl2.fromTo(".ani-werte", { scale: 1, x: 500, opacity: 0.4, rotation: -15}, { scale: 1, x: 500, opacity: 0.4, rotation: 15})

    What is my mistake?

    Thanks for help


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