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Posts posted by jck13mad

  1. Wow, that is some awesome insight my friend. I was not aware of that React 18 feature. I implemented that didAnimate hook you used in your response and it worked perfectly. Everything shows up when it needs to now. 

    Another question if you don't mind: you were exactly right that I was using this locally, but will I need this solution if I am to host it through Vercel, for example? Or is this solution only to get a visual in testing locally?

    I appreciate all the help!

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  2. Hello all,

    I am trying a pretty simple technique with gsap.from using scrollTrigger.  The text appears fine without gsap. I have tried using the `id` and useRef in the parameters, but both give the same result. To explain the problem, the test is supposed to come from 0 opacity and -20 pixels to where it is asked to be in the Tailwind specified lower. The text does not show up on the screen while scrolling down, until I am scrolling back up, and it will appear for a split second and then disappear. I have a `ScrollTrigger.refresh()` below my useEffect(). Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks, and have a good one!

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