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Posts posted by mgreiner2883

  1. Hello,


    Having a bit of an issue with setting up my triggers correctly within a wordpress template . Currently have lotties setup for two sections within the page and having no issues as far as the first section of lotties firing off as directed. However, I do need a little assistance as to how I would go about setting up another trigger to set off the second set of lotties without interference with the first set. Here is the code in which I have in place at the moment:


    gsap.utils.toArray(".color-blah").forEach((el, i) => {
          const ColorOne = gsap.timeline({
            scrollTrigger: {
              trigger: el,
              onEnter: this.playLottie,
    		  start: "top left",
        end: "bottom top",
        markers: true,
    function playLottie (){
    const yellow  = lottie.loadAnimation({
      container: document.querySelector('.slide-content_group-one.test-0'),
      renderer: 'svg',
      loop: false,
      autoplay: false,
      path: 'https://lottie.host/eb1cb11d-87e5-42af-bff2-8c8d8549da0a/XQo1JSHp3Y.json'
    const red = lottie.loadAnimation({
      container: document.querySelector('.slide-content_group-one.test-1'),
      renderer: 'svg',
      loop: false,
      autoplay: false,
      path: 'https://lottie.host/95c2b04c-28fd-411f-8add-8cc8380d3399/5FNf1cSzsq.json'
    const blue = lottie.loadAnimation({
      container: document.querySelector('.slide-content_group-one.test-2'),
      renderer: 'svg',
      loop: false,
      autoplay: false,
      path: 'https://lottie.host/fb01223d-4298-4acf-a811-a018adc887a9/PMlDJX47Kc.json'

    Greatly appreciate any help provided!!

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