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  1. @GreenSock Thank you Jack I've delete all the code just keep the right and left leg code and add the correspondant duration but my result is quite different from the original one It's more a moonwalk that a run.
  2. @GreenSock My bad but I trink it's more about the coordinates because even with the modification the movement seems different. Did Gsap 1 is similar to Gsap 2 ?
  3. Hi everyone I try to convert an old gsap 1.18.4 code https://codepen.io/dipscom/pen/zBoQXV into a new one https://codepen.io/soniapello/pen/poKoZmP but I can't make the foot move correspond. Does somebody knows why
  4. I thought I could use it to position the knees dynamically. If we say that the red arm in the example represent the thigh and the blue arm the shin the junction between them the knee. I can move the thigh and the shin and convertCoordinates will calculate the knees position
  5. Hi Jack I wonder if it's possible to use convertCoordinates to make a walk animation. Is it a good idea to use convertCoordinates for that
  6. I've seen this codepen demo on GSAP 3 convertCoordinates() and I thought that it could be apply to simulate a walk cycle. But the problem is that I'm a begginer and I can't convert this mouvement into code. Any help or tips on how you convert a movement into code would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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