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  1. Thanks guys, Understood - I'll take a look at Lenis, should do the trick!
  2. Hey guys! I have a project I'm building which integrates Barba.js, Scroll Smoother and Scroll Trigger. I require the website to scroll infinitely, which is something I've built previously using this example: This works well however It seems when enabling Scroll Smoother problems emerge and it's fairly buggy. Looks like the pageScrollTrigger.scroll(1); is no longer instant (you can visibily see the scroll back to top) and it seems to trigger the scroll back to top earlier than it should. I understand https://lenis.studiofreight.com/ has an infinite option built in, but I want to stick with the GSAP solution. It's probable I need to rethink the implementation in a way that is compatible with ScrollSmoother.js - any help will be appreciated! https://codepen.io/dolph4321/pen/KKxJbwg?editors=1111
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