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  1. RDC's post in Scrollsmoother speeding up on each load (SWUP) was marked as the answer   
    So after a bit of investigation, I've found the source of the issue, although don't fully understand why...
    To answer your other Qs though:
    Yes latest version of GSAP & ScrollSmoother (3.11.5) I've not tested without SWUP, as initial page loads are always fine, so the issue lays as a combo between the two. I tried out .context, but it gave me a few scoping issues, so I tried out another approach below. I stripped all the code way back to the basics to just allow page transitions with GSAP and SWUP, and the issue disseapeared.
    As I added the various functions in one by one I found that the issue returned as soon as I started using: smoother.paused(true/false).

    I had the following; I used .get() to find the SS instance and pause scrolling, so an intro vid/anim would play, and then unpause. No issues with that.
    The SWUP code after then also paused and un-paused the instance when transitioning between pages (to stop people scrolling the page as it loaded in the background, leaving them halfway down a page and being confused).
    if (ScrollTrigger.isTouch !== 1) { const smoother = ScrollSmoother.get(); smoother.paused(true); } // later on down the file // SWUP handling of transition out (simplified) const outPage = (next) => { smoother.paused(true); var tl = gsap.timeline({ onComplete: next }) } // and then in (simplified) const inPage = (next) => { smoother.paused(false); } // SWUP stuff just for ref const pageAnimation = [{ from: '(.*)', to: '(.*)', in: function(next) { inPage(next); }, out: (next) => { outPage(next); } }]; const swup = new Swup({ plugins: [ new SwupJsPlugin(pageAnimation), ] });  
    Essentially, I needed to define a new smoother variable using get() for the outPage and inPage variables like below.
    The browser didn't flag it as an issue previously, because I guess it could always reference the original 'smoother' variable, even though it was being killed and then re-created on every page load.... so pretty basic JS error on my side!
    // transition out const outPage = (next) => { const smoother = ScrollSmoother.get(); smoother.paused(true); var tl = gsap.timeline({ onComplete: next }) } // transition in const inPage = (next) => { const smoother = ScrollSmoother.get(); var tl = gsap.timeline({ onComplete: next }) smoother.paused(false); }
    As to why it made the page scroll faster... I'm really not sure.

    One odd thing I found though, is that after using .kill(), if I ran a console.log of smoother, it would still log something, as opposed to undefined, which somewhat suggests it wasn't being killed.

    Anyways, thanks so much again for your time in responding
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