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Posts posted by imagica

  1. See the Pen KKQzPea by imagica (@imagica) on CodePen


    When scrolled down, the red block moves -100px up (this works). Now, when scrolled completely back top top, the red block should scroll down 100px again.

    And then start over again when scrolled down.


    EDIT: I managed it with toggleActions reverse but the problem is, i want want it to start fast and slow in the end but when "reversed" it goes slow at start and fast in the end, is there a way to change this? Found yoyo but it does not work... 😑



    let tl = gsap.timeline({
     yoyo: true,
     defaults: { 
        duration: 3,
        ease: "power4.out" 
       scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: ".box1",
         toggleActions: "play none none reverse"
    tl.to(".box1", {y: -100,})


    How can i do this?



  2. Hello,

    i want to move an object (red block) -100px up when the fullpage video scrolls down and want it to move back when the fullpage video is back at top.

    And then again when scrolled down .. the same again, move red block top -100px



    any help would be nice ;-)


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