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Shah Sadikov

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Posts posted by Shah Sadikov

  1. Dear Craig @PointC,

    Sorry to bother you again! I have studied the code with slow motion and am trying to understand how is the element re-rendered at the point indicated below: 



    What is happening technically when the element leaves the view at the top and re-renders again below? 


    Thank you again!


  2. Dear Craig @PointC,


    As always, thank you very much for your quick responses. I have updated the codepen to show what I am trying to accomplish visually.


    Here is a detailed explanation:

    Step 1. div element .box enterers the view on load.

    Step 2. on button click, it send the element out of view. 

            what I am trying to accomplish next is to restart the animation with step 1 when Step 2 ends animating.  


    Visually it looks as if Step 2 while sending the .box element out of view, also brings another .box element into view; thus, making a cycle every time the (same) button is clicked. I tried to emulate it on my updated codepen, alas, in a very limited way. 


    Thank you in advance!


  3. @elegantseagulls and @PointC, thank you very much for the quick response! I have tried what what you suggested and realized what was happening. Thank you for the explanation. However, it doesn't necessarily solve the problem I was working on. What I am trying to accomplish is:

    • on page load - element enters the viewport from the bottom (-50%)
    • on click - element exits the viewport, let's say: transform: translateY(-500px);
    • on exit - it resets and reloads the animation from the beginning. 

    I have tried both .restart() and .invalidate() but to no avail. What is the best way to accomplish this?   Also, is transform: translate a better alternative for bottom/top animation for performance? 


    Thank you again!


  4. Hello! 

    I have a quick question in regards to onComplete callback function. In my example above (codepen), when I use the callback function with my tl1, it works as expected. However, when I use it with the tl2, which is activated through event listener, the callback function isn't firing. I was wondering if you can help me understand what I am missing?


    Thank you in advance!


    See the Pen LYQGWmO by shahsadikov (@shahsadikov) on CodePen

  5. Hello,

    I am new to GSAP and getting experience by doing smaller projects. I have attached one such example. The GSAP function I have used in the CodePen example works as expected on-premises but not on CodePen (I left a comment above that function separated by //==== ). I  also tried to use the function without "an arrow" but just as "function(word)"; however,  still not getting it to work.


    I look forward to reading your feedback. Thank you in advance!


    See the Pen LYewOov?editors=0110 by shahsadikov (@shahsadikov) on CodePen

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