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Posts posted by AliDemir

  1. Thanks,


    I guess because the background position is set to "center center" there are minor shifts when I resize (I think). I tried scaleY but it doesn't look very good as it stretches the picture. (I've slowed down the animation speed a bit to make the flicker appear in case you're not paying attention.)


    I will try other things.

    • Like 1
  2. Hi everyone,
    I recently wanted to make an animation that I saw on the dribbble site with gsap.
    This is the design: https://dribbble.com/shots/17395973-Interactive-Project-Index


    The idea that came to my mind was as follows, for each picture I add a picture to the background of a div, then another div inside and the background of that div is the same picture. Then I add the texts, when I hover over the picture with the mouse, I enlarge the picture inside, and when I enlarge, I slide it up a little so it seems to grow in the middle.


    But the picture is shaking as it grows and it's annoying.

    See the Pen LYeojbR by myFree-1 (@myFree-1) on CodePen

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