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  1. Vue's built-in component transition? I didn't use it. Nuxt was discovered when I searched these questions.
  2. Thank you for your reply. When I searched before, I also saw that a wrapper should be added outside the element, so I .Banner has been added .pin-container.I didn't expect to add the first element in the template. Thank you very much for your correction. However, there is still a problem that existed before. When switching to the about page and then switching back to the home page, page scrolling will cause page exceptions. I added ScrollTrigger.refresh() in the activated of each page. It's solved, but I don't know if it's a good way
  3. Thank you for your reply minimal demo is here:https://codesandbox.io/s/minimal-demo-forked-t7psos?file=/src/App.vue The location of the footer that jumps from the home page to the about page will not change because the home page pin is set to true This demo is a little bad because I haven't used codesanbox before
  4. I also have a similar problem. I use Vue router to jump the page. The size of the pin spacer box on the first page will be retained to the second page. This may be due to single page application. I don't know. I tried @Rodrigo's method: ,but failed My solution is: deactivated() { location.reload() } But I think there may be disadvantages. If there is a better way, please reply to me
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