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Posts posted by Flawe

  1. Sorry, one more question for you, this works well, but it makes it feel like it has a delay, i.e. as if scrub = 1.

    I would guess this is due to some delay in the onUpdate function, but thought I'd see if you had any ideas to make it feel more responsive?

    No worries if it just has this delay since this is a bit of a work around as it is :) 


    Thanks so much!

  2. Great, that all makes sense, the only thing left unclear for me is why you have the timeline paused and use onUpdate. 

    I assume scrolling counts as an update event so we no longer need to have scrub = true?


    Edit: Re-reading what you said a couple more times, I'm pretty sure that's what you meant by "Basically all ScrollTrigger is doing for scrub animations is what I just showed."


    All makes sense now :)

    Thanks for the explanation!

    • Like 1
  3. Thanks for the replies :)

    The code pen with it working in reverse certainly is interesting, though I will have to do some digging to figure out exactly how you got that to work.

    Either that or just box on as Greensock mentioned - I certainly was getting somewhere even if it breaks my brain a little bit working in reverse!


    Thanks again!

  4. Hello,


    I'm hoping this isn't a really dumb question, but I'm trying to create a website where the user starts at the bottom of the page and scrolls up to the top.

    Using a to() function doesn't work very well as the object is already at the position I want to move it to if I'm scrolling upwards.

    I tried using from(), but this also does not work correctly, as it jumps back to the original set position between animations (see code pen).

    I could potentially use a set() between each section in the timeline, or use fromTo() and explicitly set the original position to be where the previous one stopped, but I was wondering if there is a better approach such as doing a to() in reverse or somehow starting the scroll animation at the bottom and finishing at the top?


    Thanks for any help/suggestions :)

    See the Pen BaJdbYy by jesseaudley (@jesseaudley) on CodePen

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