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Posts posted by _Musiku

  1. Hello, I have noticed my scrolltrigger scripts rarely work all the time. I usually have to refresh my pages X number of times before they perform the required action once, twice or maybe a lucky third time. I've come across a number of javascript reflow issue posts on stackoverflow in the my quests to solve the mysteries but I still run into the same issue every time I use scrolltrigger regardless of whether it's on nuxt or vanilla js. Anyone else who has faced the same? What might be the issue? 


    Here is an example of my latest attempt...

    const lines = gsap.utils.toArray('.line')
    lines.forEach(line => {
        gsap.from(line, {
            scrollTrigger: { 
                trigger: line,
                start: `top 90%`,
                end: `top 90%`,
            scaleX: 0,
            duration: .75,
            delay: .25,
            ease: 'power4.out',


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