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Posts posted by azarif

  1. Hello,


    This forum seems very friendly and has been an asset in my journey so far. I’m hoping you can help me. I have created a scroll trigger section for a website. In the backend there are sections with a background image. And within those sections, a variable number of content, between 1-3.


    The sections are pinned to allow the content to scroll through however I’m having an issue with the background image. I’m trying to get the background image to be fixed, and for the new background image to slide in as the previous one slides out together, triggered around the center before the next section content gets pinned.


    As they are pinned, it ends up being more of a zig zag with the background image sliding out and a load of blank space till the previous pin scrolls out

    Can you suggest where I am going wrong here, or point me in the right direction?

    Thank you

    See the Pen QWOXgNR by azarif (@azarif) on CodePen

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