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Posts posted by Stevan

  1. Hello humans,

    I am building a range input Vue component, like so many before me. Nothing fancy, but it should behave perfectly. It has to:

    1. be draggable ️,
    2. react on up-right/down-left (not in demo) ️,
    3. gracefully snap to mouse position when mousedown on the slider 'path' ️ and continue dragging ️,
    4. and also gracefully snap to mouse position on click on the slider 'path' (or rather to the nearest snap point) ️.

    But it:

    1. Jumps all over the path when mousedown--move a bit--mouse stop (and similar combinations of movement).
    2. Overshoots, or stops moving on mouseup without reaching the mouse.

    About the code:

    I omitted a lot of updating the styles on drag and such, but I did leave a couple of examples how I would go about it, i.e. using gsap.getProperty(slider.target, ...) so you can tell me if it should be done differently. I am accessing the slider target via slider.target because this is logging as udefined in my Vue SFC with <script setup> sugar. Any ideas about that?

    Another question is regarding updating Draggable. I sprinkled a couple of onComplete: slider.update to try and keep everything in sync, but I didn't achieve much. Or did I?

    How to unglitch it? Help me understand.


    See the Pen oNpbxzW by stevaner (@stevaner) on CodePen

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