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Posts posted by andoivrjrev

  1. Hey guys,


    I have a question according to GSAP Scolltrigger and React.

    It's my first Next.js/React project so I need some advice according to general best practice.

    I have quiet a few different components and want to animate in elements when they are in viewport.

    Is it better - in terms of browser performance - to query selector all elements based on e.g. a css class in a useEffect hook at my root component or do all logic in every component itself with a ref for example?

    I hope this question is not too much out of topic and somebody more experienced can give advice :).


    Thanks a lot!

  2. I have implemented a horizontal scroll for my React App (next.js). 

    Works all fine, but the scroll is not catching smooth of with scrub, instead it is instand like a "normal" scroll.

    This is the crucial part of my app, where the scroll happens:


      const scrollTriggerRef = useRef(null);
      useLayoutEffect(() => {
        if (!horizontalScroll) return;
        let ctx = gsap.context(() => {
          const scrollTimeline = gsap.timeline({
            scrollTrigger: {
              trigger: scrollTriggerRef.current,
              start: "top top",
              end: "+=9000px",
              scrub: 2,
          scrollTimeline.to(scrollContainerRef.current, {
            x: -scrollContainerRef.current.scrollWidth,
        }, scrollTriggerRef);
        return () => ctx.revert();
      }, []);

    If nobody knows the answer right on point, I will provide a minimum demo :).

    Thanks guys!

  3. Hey,


    I have a little problem with my on scroll image sequence. I am quite sure it has nothing to do directly with Scrolltrigger, but maybe someone had an issue like this in the past and can give me a hint.

    The image sequence works perfectly on desktop, but there is an issue at iPad and iPhone. At first the sequence works well also but if you stop scrolling (and I mean really stop, so the scrollbar is absolutely still) - sometimes the sequence jumps back like 45 frames after a while.

    Has somebody ever seen something like this?

    Thank you guys!

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