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Posts posted by wdee

  1. 7 hours ago, GreenSock said:

    If I understand your question correctly, this is totally unrelated to GSAP - it's how display: flex works when you don't set flex-shrink: 0. Try setting flex-shrink: 0 and flex-grow: 0 on those children and you'll see what I mean. 

    I think it's related to Gsap because when the children comps are distorted, their width and height are modified and that's what my animation does, but it's supposed to work only on the parent.

    My animations look like this:

    const onEnter = ({target}, ID, taille) => {
        gsap.to(target, {height: () => {return (taille > 1 ? '100%' : '14vh')}, width: '37vw', zIndex:'100', duration: 0.4})
        gsap.to(elemsRef.current[ID], {width: '0', height: () => {return (taille > 1 ? '100%' : '14vh')}, zIndex:'100', fontSize: 0, duration: 0.4})
      const onLeave = ({target}, ID) => {
        gsap.to(target, {height: '100%', width: '30vw', zIndex:'0', duration: 0.4})
        gsap.to(elemsRef.current[ID], {width: '7vw', height: '100%', fontSize:'1.1vw', zIndex:'0', duration: 0.4})


  2. Hello,
    I have a list of component (parents), inside this these components there are others components (children). I have a on hover gsap animation on parents, but when I hover them the children width and height change like there is some propagation, and I just want the parents to be animated not the children.

    Here is the code,


    The parents :

    listSuppTmp.push(<ContainerSuppRef rstart={((res.data[j].U) - parseInt(res.data[j].taille) + 1)} rend={res.data[j].U + 1}> 
                  <SupportDiv onMouseEnter={(e) => onEnter(e, res.data[j].ID, res.data[j].taille)} onMouseLeave={(e) => onLeave(e, res.data[j].ID)} key={res.data[j].ID}> 
                    await axios.get(`http://localhost:8888/api/support/cassette-type-conn/${res.data[j].supportID}`)
                    .then(res => {
                      return <ContainerPorts data={res.data}></ContainerPorts>
                  <RefDiv ref={el => elemsRef.current[res.data[j].ID] = el}>{res.data[j].support_ref}</RefDiv> </ContainerSuppRef>)

    (This listSuppTmp.push is in a for loop)

    The children :

    function ContainerPorts (props) {
      if (props.data.type === 'Cuivre') {
        return (
          <CuivrePort> <Port/><Port/><Port/><Port/><Port/><Port/> </CuivrePort>
          <CuivrePort> <Port/><Port/><Port/><Port/><Port/><Port/> </CuivrePort>
          <CuivrePort> <Port/><Port/><Port/><Port/><Port/><Port/> </CuivrePort>
          <CuivrePort> <Port/><Port/><Port/><Port/><Port/><Port/> </CuivrePort>
      return (<></>)

    So in the children components, CuivrePort is a container of ports which are basically small cubes.


    On the 3 pictures, the first one is a parent that has not been hovered
    the 2nd it has been hovered
    the 3rd is a the normal behavior but empty and I want this with scaled children components inside


    Thanks in advance

    Capture d’écran 2022-03-07 à 11.17.46.png

    Capture d’écran 2022-03-07 à 11.18.20.png

    Capture d’écran 2022-03-07 à 11.18.47.png

    See the Pen PoOgqZe by willdgre (@willdgre) on CodePen

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