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Posts posted by Tralk

  1. Hi everyone!

    I have just recently started to use GSAP, and I have run into a problem that I have no idea how to solve.


    As you can see in the codepen, I have a section where on the left, a sprite animation would be(for simplicity I've only added a mock div here), while on the right there are some sections with text, which need to be "smooth scrolled" (their y value animated).


    While it is working as expected, I would also need to control how much the sprite animates for each section.

    My first idea was to just have sperate tweens for the desired sections, but since those section can be any height, I wasn't able to figure out where those tweens should start.


    Any help, suggestion would be greatly appriciated!

    Thank you for reading and have a great day.



    See the Pen xxPdqgm by Tralk (@Tralk) on CodePen

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