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Posts posted by jhey

  1. Howdy!



    Have a problem and was wondering if there was a quick solution...


    Is there a way to remove all 'onComplete' events?


    Here is my scenario:


    - I create and start tweens on movieClips with onComplete events.

    TweenLite.to(waveMc, 5, {alpha:0, ease:Sine.easeInOut, delay:2, overwrite:false, onComplete:showNextWave} );
    function showNextWave() {
    trace("Still gets called?");



    - Then user initated cancel (halfway through the animation)... need to remove all movieClips



    - I'm using teh following to remove the movieClip:

    while (this.numChildren != 0) {



    It seems that the onComplete event still gets triggered.

    Is there a way to make sure the tweens and events also get destroyed?

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