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Posts posted by Audrey13

  1. 14 hours ago, GreenSock said:

    I think I see the problem...

    1. You linked to the wrong file - that URL points to the latest beta version that we just use on CodePen. That's not intended for deployment. We updated it recently. Whenever you deploy something, you should always link to the official locked file for a particular version on a CDN like CDNJS or JSDelivr, like the docs say. For example, https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.9.1/ScrollTrigger.min.js or https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/gsap@3.9.1/dist/ScrollTrigger.min.js
    2. I assume you forgot to gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger) AFTER your <body>. It looks like you just loaded it in the <head>, thus it happened before the <body> existed yet. 

    I just updated the latest beta with some code that should resolve that issue you were seeing, but I'd still strongly recommend linking to a specific version from the real CDN so you don't run into issues like this in the future where our updates to a beta file break your site :)


    Sorry about any confusion there. 


    Hi GreenSock,


    Thank you very much ! I could not have found the solution alone. So once again, a big thank you and all my gratitude. I will study your recommendations to apply them. And I hope to be able to start working on JS later :)


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  2. 3 hours ago, iDad5 said:

    At first glance I would guess that some kind of Content was deleted/exchanged through a cms (likely WordPress) and that now causes the error in the console. 

    Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'indexOf')

    Most likely the scrip that uses ScrollTrigger.min.js expects something to be present - namely an element with the class '.scooter-wrappe' which isn't present (any more) in your pages DOM. 


    the actual culprit is app.js in line 608

    Hi iDad5,

    Thank you for your answer. But I don't understand what's wrong, because when I check, I find the class "scooter-wrapper" in my home.php file. The class also exists in the style.css.



    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <section class="hero">
                            <div class="scooter-container anim">
                                <div class="scooter-zoom">
                                    <div class="scooter-wrapper">
                                        <div data-animate="fadeInLeft">
                                                <div class="scooter">
                                                    <div class="wheel left"></div>
                                                    <div class="wheel right"></div>
                                                    <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/img/scooter.png" class="img_scooter"/>
                                                    <div class="scooter-shadow"></div>


  3. Hi,


    A digital agency created our website and everything was working fine. But since 2 days, we have a big problem of display on the homepage. It seems that the problem comes from the ScrollTrigger.js file
    But as I don't really know js, I find myself with a site that doesn't work normally anymore : an animation on a blue background that disappeared, blocks that don't work anymore, oversized SVG images...
    Here is the link to the home page of the site: https://www.talent-bs.com/
    And here is the link of the file that seems to make everything buggy: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/16327/ScrollTrigger.min.js?ver=5.8.3

    Can you help me please ? :/

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