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Posts posted by mallardandclaret


    As you can see in the attached minimal demo- I am using a custom smooth-scroller which allows the document body to move freely behind the smooth scroll container which is animated towards the current scroll position using a transform. However gsap scrollTriggers are following the document body position rather than the smooth-scroll position despite setting up scrollerProxy and updating scrollTrigger on smooth-scroll position update- therefore scrollTriggers are trailing behind the smooth-scroll position as you scroll (shown in the markers within the codePen demo)


    //The smooth scroll container
    let rsSS = document.getElementById('rs-ss')
    //(c)ontainer y pos, (s)croll y pos - cy is the animated position, sy is the current document scroll position. sy gets updated on scroll
    let cy = 0
    let sy = 0
    //*Scroller Proxy*
    ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy(rsSS, {
        scrollTop(value) {
            if (arguments.length) {
                cy = value;
            return cy;
        getBoundingClientRect() {
            return { top: 0, left: 0, width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }
    //When we scroll, update sy value for animationFrame loop
    let syUpdater = () => { sy = window.pageYOffset }
    //Run every animation frame tick
    window.animateFrame = () => {
        //Run only when sy has changed (User has scrolled)
        if((Math.abs(cy - sy) > .1)){
            //Calculate momentum pos using linear interpolation - easing function
            cy = (1 - fric) * cy + fric * sy
            //Move the container
            rsSS.style.transform = `translateY(-${ cy }px )`
            // when the smooth scroller updates, tell ScrollTrigger to update() too: 
        window.requestAnimationFrame(animateFrame) //loop every animation frame

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated

    See the Pen jOYwBOz by Rob__Sim-01 (@Rob__Sim-01) on CodePen

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