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Posts posted by AnthonyZhang220

  1. Thanks for the suggestion on the scrolltrigger part! I think this is also causing part of the problem to my animation so I just changed that part in my code.


    As to how I expect it to look, you probably noticed in my demo,  though the page has already reached the very bottom, my footer is not touching the bottom of the window, leaving a white blank below the footer. The expected look is without the white blank at the bottom. As you mentioned, I think it could be the issue with the way I use scale. I was thinking that if I use fromTo()  like this: 

     gsap.fromTo(footerRef.current, { scale: 1.5 }, { scale: 1, duration: 1});

    it would scale from 1.5 times its size to its original size and position.

  2. Hi, I'm trying to create a scroll effect for my footer, where it will scale from 1.5 to 1 as I scroll to the bottom of the webpage. I set the trigger to be at the top of my footer section, and the scale animation runs smoothly.


    However, my footer will not stick to the bottom of the page. I am thinking maybe it is the problem of my setting for transformOrigin, which I set to "50% 100%" hoping that the bottom middle will stay when the whole footer shrinks, but it turns out not working.


    I don't know how to include react in the CodePen, so I included a minimal example in the Codesandbox here: Demo


    Any help will be appreciated!

  3. I put an <a> tag for project on the navbar, as I click "project" it will scroll me to the section by its id. I wonder if this function conflicts with scrolltrigger function causing the issue or not.


    I have a few React components on the top of this project component.


    import "./Project.scss"
    import ProjectList from "./ProjectList/ProjectList"
    import { projectdata } from "./ProjectData.js"
    import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
    import { gsap } from "gsap/all";
    import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger"
    export default function Project() {
        const listRef = useRef(null);
        useEffect(() => {
            gsap.fromTo(listRef.current, {
                y: "100%", opacity: 0
            }, {
                y: "0%", opacity: 1, duration: 2,
                scrollTrigger: {
                    trigger: listRef.current,
                    markers: true,
        return (
            <div className='project' id='project'>
                    {projectdata.map((project, index) => (
                        <ProjectList {...project} key={index} ref={listRef} />


    See the Pen PoJPMoE by anthonyzhang220 (@anthonyzhang220) on CodePen

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