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Posts posted by AlbertWalicki

  1. Hey, @OSUblake!

    I updated my Codepen. ScrollTriggers are now in separate .gsap() functions. Isn't that a bad pattern to have multiple .gsap instances of the same element? Because now I have:

    • gsap timeline for element 1 ( el1 + el_pseudo animation)
    • gsap.to for scrolltrigger element 1
    • gsap.to for element 2
    • gsap.to for scrolltrigger element 2

    When I used your third example with scrollTrigger inside the timeline, and then .to, my animations were triggered only on the scroll and I don't want that 😄

  2. Hey!

    I have a problem with my small project.

    1. animation of box starts from the left to 500px
    2. if window.scrollY = 0, user can manipulate box with mouse
    3. after at least 1px of scrolling, scrollTrigger function is triggered

    The problem occurs when the user is moving the mouse on the screen ( it should be some kind of parallax) and there is at least 1px scroll. I would like to smoothly change the current position of the box to 'initial scrollTrigger position'. Something like snap to position? I don't know.

    I have added another function to position those elements 
    > If scrollY is bigger than 0 and less than 30px

    But it started to get messy and started to jump all across the screen. I found GSAP Mistakes and I see that is the common problem 😅

    Is there any callback to set the default position of scrollTrigger, before it starts to scroll?

    PS: The red border-box is here on purpose because in my real project I have three or four similar objects like this red-border.

    See the Pen d32227237f2b8927803bba0689f1ae50 by walickialbert (@walickialbert) on CodePen

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